  • November 30 2023
  • Hunter Stark

Improve Your Warm-up Routine with These Effective "Cheats"

Do you have a hard time warming up?

Do you do the usual stretching, running around, twisting and turning to warm-up and you just can't seem to loosen up how you want? Try some of these warm-up "cheats"!
  • Use a Foam Roller and/or massage gun on those hard to hit or tight spots!
  • Use the Seat Warmer in your vehicle while on your way or leaving your tennis match! This is a great way to help the muscles that you use all during your match either warm-up and get ready or relax afterwards!
  • Thermacare or other heat patch to “warm up” local areas. This is always a good go-to when you have strained a muscle or have a muscle area that seems to cramp and get locally tight!
  • Compression sleeves or socks for muscle strains. This feels awesome - especially on your thighs or calves!
With that being said the most important (and best) way to warm-up is to use your body in a dynamic fashion.
Make sure to perform a movement prep session to get your body actually moving and prepared to play tennis. You can check out a simple dynamic movement prep HERE!
This is a sample dynamic warm-up but feel free to utilize any variation of these movements or other movements that you feel comfortable performing before you play!
Please reach out if you have any questions at all! or 850-912-9203

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